The Zompire
The Zompire
Wayne Brown
Chapter 1
It was a cold morning in the camp. Another morning to which the engineers working on the canal project woke up, eager to push the project, even though inch after inch, towards completion. However, yet another worker was missing. Marvin, one of the assistant surveyors who was saddled with the duty of interpretation of the design structure for the mega structure was nowhere to be found. His draftsman whom he shared the same tent with had woken up to find that he was alone in the tent and thinking his mate may have gone outside to take a leak had waited for his return to no avail. He had then gone outside and after checking around for him and asking in several tents, everyone began the process of looking for him.
Where the hell could he have gone out here in the middle of nowhere?” was the question that belted out of the mouth of one of his colleagues.
It was a scary thing as most that had gone missing from this camp hardly returned and worse still, not much was usually explained about their whereabouts later other than that they had been found. Hours later of searching without success, the lead engineer sent everyone to resume at their work posts in the hope that Marvin would return soon enough. He placed a call to the state security agency to notify them of the situation on the ground. The state had contributed and supported so much, everything that had to do with this project’s accomplishment and the project’s success thus far was owed to the states’ commitment which had kept the workers on site but this morning again, another key worker had gone missing; a big blow to the morale of the engineers and laborers. It was one of those days which had the workers asking themselves the rhetorical question
“Why the fuck are we still on this site!”
The day’s disappearance had in it yet an iota of hope in that the missing person was ‘only’ missing as no torn body parts or drops of blood was found trailing away from the camp as most times it had been. Everyone went back to work, but they were in low spirits and at lunchtime, discussions were about nothing other than the news they had woken up to that morning. While some feared that it was probably lions or some wild animals that had come to the camp and had taken Marvin away, others disputed that as an invalid reason given that they did not find any lion footprints in the camp…..or any other wild animal prints for that matter. Moreover, should that have been the case, the victim would have been able to raise an alarm by shouting or whatever they argued. One relatively old man, a laborer popularly called by the name Mr. Smith, gave his opinion.
“It is the same thing that came to take two workers three weeks ago, same thing that came in my first month here on this project. I have been on one other project, not this one in which this happened and I have seen it take people and I know that they don’t give up, not like they can help it!” he concluded.
The laborers were lost at his words. They asked him to explain himself further, but he wouldn’t bulge at all. He simply declared that he had to get back to work, having now finished with his lunch. Smith was a jolly happy man, who though not having much of his youthful strength these days, was hired into the project when the company’s human resources had a look at his CV which showed he had worked on the Eurasian Canal; the closest there was in size to the new canal the construction the company was to undertake and were recruiting for. They also found that he had a good knowledge of the management of some technical processes involved, which other laborers would need to have been explained to them over and over again. Determining that this would be a major advantage, they hired him on spot so that he could also help in the responsibility as helping to direct the team at hand. He had taken the job with pleasure. Nearing fifty-five years of age, with a son and two daughters, he had to cater for his family in any way he could manage. He had lost his wife three years earlier and had to find an extra way to be able to manage both kids and finances. He had loved his wife very much and had not been able to remarry since. His kids were his pride and joy and he was willing to do anything for them. It was this driving force and urge that kept him in the Panama project those years, even when he knew very much what was responsible for people’s disappearance and deaths and what possible danger it presented to him on a daily basis.
On their third night on that project, two days after the first victim was attacked, he kept watch through a hole in the hut in which he stayed, on the lookout for any intruder. He had only been up a little beyond midnight and whilst he watched, from the shadows came a silhouette against the camp security flashlight. Certainly, the silhouette he saw on the ground was that of a human. At first, he thought it would be one of the workers just going to urinate in the bushes nearby but the body came into view and he then realized that though the creature had a human figure, it had a big hunch on its back and was bald all over. It had no patch of hair, not even eye brows. Though the size of a full grown man, it had no moustache, stubble or beard and under the bright flashlight he could clearly see his pale skin that looked almost transparent, so much so that he could see the veins beneath its skin. The creature walked stealthily seemingly sensing whatever it was seeking. Smith had been shocked to his very aging bones. His breath had come to a pause and he even feared that his pulse and heartbeat stopped. He began to shake when it bared its teeth to expose some horrible looking fangs and let out a hiss. At the very moment in time, he didn’t know what to do, whether to shout and alert the rest of the workers or just shut the hell up and hope to make it to the next morning. The human like figure made its way to the door of one of the other larger huts, and as it tried to push the door open, that was all he needed to make up his mind. He stealthily went across the room to pick up his gun which he had brought along expecting to be able to hunt some wildlife out there in the woods. When he returned to his post and once again looked through the hole from where he was spying from, he was surprised to see the creature quickly slipping away from the hut. In a moment of fear and indecision, he drew back and took a careless aim, firing several shots in the direction it was going towards. The shots echoed loudly into the still and dark night, awaking everybody else. People came out of their huts, guns in hand but they found or saw nothing. His roommates who were also suddenly awaken by the loud bangs saw a Smith who looked as white as one who had seen a ghost. They walked out of the room with him to meet the rest of the workers who were alerted and they were seeking answers as to what caused the gunfire frenzy. Mr. Smith had come out in the company of his mates and told them of what he had seen. He had to do a lot of explaining as most of the people he was talking to then did not have an idea of what he was saying. It was not until someone mentioned the word vampire that it became clearer to them what may have visited them that night. Some of them laughed and shrugged at the idea, not wanting to indulge or believe in such nonsensical explanations. When they were reminded of how some of their colleagues bodies were found, torn up and all, their smirks and wide faced grins turned to seriousness.
“We’re so seriously fucked!” said one of the workers to another standing beside him.
The next few days saw a lot of the workers leaving but Smith remained on site and told the foreman that he was not going anywhere. In fact, a good number of those who themselves decided to stay, only did so because Smith did not desert the work as the others did. Knowing that garlic scared vampires away, they decided to stock pile on large quantities of it. Smith had slept every night after that smelling of garlic as did most workers. Smith himself had come to the conclusion that indeed, it must’ve been some type of vampire creature. Over the next couple of days, he had done his own personal research and found out a lot more about vampires, their biological makeup, social behavior, genetic makeup and how best to fight them or rather evade them. It was then he found out that garlic, in fact did not specif
ically scare off vampires. They were at best rebuffed by some scents which they find repelling but that would not be enough to scare away a thirsty vampire that is keen on getting its next meal.
Chapter 2
Days went by.
Soon enough, there was an arrival of the investigative team from the Federal Bureau. They conducted their own little searches not a word of the outcome was made to the general public. It was of course a matter of State Security that should not be disclosed to everyone. Such information was only given out on a need to know basis. Engineer Roberts, lead engineer on the project planning and execution, met with the team who briefed him of details of the outcome of their search and investigation.
“Well Sir, we have found him ….your last missing colleague!”
A flash of hope was about to light Roberts face before the man speaking corrected himself ….
“ I meant we found his body. It was intact, relatively cold and had wounds on his neck, ankles and wrists. We suspect it’s the usual suspect or suspects again.”
“How is that even possible?” You said you had them exterminated the last time. What is it you are saying again? Roberts asked them.
“Well, yes we did think so and it would have been so, but what happened was that our team of vampire hunters blew up the cave which our security dogs traced their scent to. I am of the belief that instead of dying under the weight of the rocks, they survived and had gone into dormancy. A check at the rock stack there shows that your engineers have been blasting rocks from that site for the construction supply.”
Roberts sighed loudly.
“So they made their way out, he added. How could they have survived the weight of the cave collapsing in on them? Don’t you think there could be another clan of vampires out here?”
“Nope, we in fact believe that the four survived as it would take that number to almost empty a man of about six and a half liters blood fluid content. We are telling you these details because we will be staying. They will surely come back as always.”
“ So tell me, what about Surveyor Marvin ….where is he now?” Roberts interrupted him.
“He had been in the coma too long. There was not much the vaccine could do at the time we found him. I’m sorry but we had to euthanize him.”
Roberts was devastated. He was at a loss as to how to break the news of Marvin’s death to his wife, Rachel. The only explanation for his body would be to maybe tell her the whole truth. The Chief of the newly founded Vampire Control Agency, VCA, Dr Lenzo Briggs explained that they would be around to lie in wait for the vampires. They had set up base there, figuring they might return. It would be a few days at most and they will be back to this camp as there is hardly any other human habitation around for miles.
Later that evening at the close of work and collation of progress reports from all the units, Engineer Roberts boarded a VCA helicopter which took him to Allington. Arriving at Marvin’s house, Rachel welcomed him in, with an apprehension on her face. If Roberts was to pay her a visit, Marvin would’ve been sure to have mention it to her beforehand. Marvin could have easily called and sent any message over the phone as well. She stood wondering to what she owed the August visit to. She was so drawn into her thoughts that she forgot to offer Roberts a seat. When she came to, she hurriedly apologized and ushered him to a seat and asked him if he would like something to drink.
“Oh no, I’m okay; thanks for asking though.” he replied.
“It has been five whole months since we last saw each other and this is the first time you are visiting our house so why not have a drink?” she asked.
He however reassured her that that he wasn’t feeling for a drink urged her not to worry about it. At that she took her seat and since he insisted, went on to ask about other things.
“How is the project going and how is Marvin doing?” she asked.
Taking a deep breath, he just let it out and told her.
“Marvin was involved in an unfortunate incident and didn’t make it.”
“What did you just say?” she asked in a low trembling tone.
His repositioned himself in his chair.
“Uhm, we woke up in the morning to find that Marvin was missing from camp. After a couple days of search, officials found his body in the forest trenches. He seemed to have been attacked by a pack of blood sucking creatures.”
He looked at her face and saw the stream of tears now fast flowing down her face and the damage his words did to her now vanished smiles. He wished that he had better news for her and not be the conveyor of such ominous news.
“I am really sorry about his death.”
“Where did you say my husband is?” She asked in an angry voice.
Without any warning, she grabbed him by the collar, screaming into his face and then bundling onto the floor crying loudly. Roberts tried to comfort her, but she went on and on and soon her next door neighbor came running in. When she got up to speed as to the cause of Mrs. Reeds sorrow, she held and restrained her. They had a tough time calming her down as she was screaming and crying frantically.
“ We flew in his remains to the VCA office here in Allington. I came in their company helicopter,” Roberts further stated.
A few minutes that seemed like hours went by. Before they left for the VCA office, he helped Rachel to put a call across to her son who was in college to come home. The VCA would have more information for Mrs. Reeds while Engineer Roberts made his way back to the construction site in the company of the VCA chief and the helicopter pilot. On their way, they discussed a bit about the design ideas of the tunnel and the great convenience it would provide for travelling. Rather than have to circumnavigate the southern continent, it would be an easier, faster route through the equatorial gap between the two sister continents. Soon after though, they drifted to the topic of the events of the past day. Robert expressed concerns about how to restore confidence and gain the commitment of his workers. He himself also needed to be safe and he couldn’t bear to lose any other person since all his skilled workers were actively involved in the planning of the project and if the trend continued or led to any or many of them leaving, it would have a negative impact on the success or at best timely completion of the project at hand.
“There is just so much we know about these undead but hopefully, it’s enough for us to work with at this time. We have a good number of equipment that will aid us in getting to them before they get to us. We have nitrate bullets which are the easiest lethal tools in fighting them,” Dr.Lenzo assured him.
They talked further more on the attributes that would give them an advantage to deter the vampires. Dr Lenzo was a knowledgeable man. He had served in the VCA for roughly two years, eight months of this in his capacity as Chief. Starting out very young, he was one of the few who had an in-depth commitment to ridding humanity of the ‘newly’ discovered undead plague. He had carried out assault infiltrations into the vampire community in his younger days and his passion for extinction of the blood thirsty had not waned over the years. It was his research alongside Dr. Mabel’s at the Special Research Institute, SRI, years back that discovered that vampires rarely sucked on the blood of their victims but rather lapped it up. The injury caused to their victims by their bite very rarely clots the blood due to the presence of the enzyme, draculin in their saliva which ensures the blood remains free flowing. They also figured that they injected their victims with some potent narcotic in their bite which makes their victims drowsy and too weak to fight back. As opposed to popular belief based on judgments from their looks, they found that vampires are powerful and even the very old ones would surprise an unwary hunter. Their feeble look had nothing to do with their physical strength. They could jump out of dormancy into a full-fledged attack against their victims unlike how bears and other animals behave from hibernation. It was also common knowledge that they had a great sense of smell, almost seven times that of a typical human being. They were also known to have heightened hearing ability and as such could hear and
figure ones approach before the person even knows they are there. This made it very impossible to sneak up on them, which mostly left the VCA team with waiting on them in ambush.
On getting back, Dr Lenzo had his team set up their hideouts from where they can effectively monitor the surrounding area. They had a drink of coffee while the tired workers retired to their beds. They soon settled into their positions. Armed and bright eyed, they waited. After hours, it seemed there would be no signs of any of them. Then it happened; they saw one who was obviously the lookout. It moved cautiously and peered into the space before it. The hunters who were wearing their infrared heat lens could see it approach even in the dark. The device was effective in figuring whether a body approaching is a human or an undead. The device was developed many years earlier when scientists figured that the body temperature of vampires was just about 67 degrees Fahrenheit as opposed to 98.4 obtainable in humans. The infrared heat detector therefore showed a distinctively different image color shade when the body under examination was viewed through it.
They soon saw three other vampires appear from the dark behind the first one. The first vampire was by far the youngest of the four. The curve of its back was less prominent and its color was not as pale and transparent as the rest of them. It would have to be around 35 years old when it was converted. After him was the Alpha male of the clan which looked leaner than the rest, also significant was a pronounced curvature of its spine as evidenced by a more protruded curve on its back. They run a meritocracy, and the most successful among themselves assumes the leadership role. An Alpha usually is the first in a clan, converting its other victims whom it finds fit into members. It is the alphas duty to ensure it picks capable hands to hunt with and this is also not an easy responsibility as picking a weakling will put the clan open to attack and hunger while choosing one that turns out more capable than him/her would amount to a threat to his position as the Alpha of the clan. A group of four vampires is normally the ideal number that makes up a clan which is no surprise that there were just four of them. Four was the safe number for defending themselves, hunting and feeding. The average human blood content is about 5.4 liters, and to fully satisfy each clan member’s thirst, they each would have to consume 1.5 liters the most. As such, should they need a little more than that, someone might have to wait till the next hunt for a meal. This would always be the youngest in the clan as their hierarchy of authority also determines who feeds first and who gets to go last. As they advanced, two of them bared their teeth exposing their fangs at the corners of their mouth. Eyes bloodshot and a black round pupil in its middle, they looked scary even with their lean shape from afar. One of them stopped in their tracks and spun around slowly, sniffing the air and licking its lips. They were just within range and in the camp vicinity when the signal was given and the team opened fire on them. They had clumsily walked right into a trap and there was barely any chance for escape. In any direction they went, bullets riddled their bodies but it seemingly did nothing to deter them. In the commotion, the alpha male ran in Dr Lenzo’s direction charging an attack. Despite his charging straight towards him, Dr. Lenzo continued shooting at him, cowardly maintaining his stance. The pack leader knocked him with brutal force down to the ground. Bullets following him while running away, he soon buckled over and fell to the ground.